Apple Newton un device che anticipò i tempi, con una storia strordinaria che ebbe vita dal 1993
Ipad: il video di presentazione di Apple
Da poco online il sito di Ipad
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Da poco online il sito di Ipad
Che al cambio di oggi vuol dire da 347 a 576 euro
Via GDGT Martin Nisenholtz del NYT Why did we come out three weeks ago to develop an app for the iPad?” Wait, three weeks? Scott said peeps had 2 weeks. Anyway! We’re incredibly psyched to pioneer the next generation of digital journalism It captures the essence of a newspaper, but it’s so much more
Via Engadget
Diretta e commenti della presentazione Apple da Friendfeed
La diretta con commenti da questo blog a partire dalle 18.45 via Friendfeed Un piccolo elenco di link diretti ai siti da cui seguire in diretta la presentazione della cosa di Apple: Melablog Macitynet Engadget Gizmodo Wired GDGT Appleinsider Ubergizmo The Apple blog
Apple Newton un device che anticipò i tempi, con una storia strordinaria che ebbe vita dal 1993
Engadget pubblica una lunga e interessante storia del giocattolone di Apple che conosceremo fra qualche ora
Via Paid Content 1. Create a new device category around personal media. Today, people spend as much as five or six hours a day with media (most of it video, next with audio, then with text—younger consumers spend as much as seven hours a day on media, including social media, much of it overlapping with … Leggi tutto
Il NYT analizza il nuovo canale distributivo per i media
With the widely anticipated introduction of a tablet computer at an event here on Wednesday morning, Apple may be giving the media industry a kind of time machine — a chance to undo mistakes of the past. Almost all media companies have run aground in the Internet Age as they gave away their print and video content on the Web and watched paying customers drift away as a result.
People who have seen the tablet say Apple will market it not just as a way to read news, books and other material, but also a way for companies to charge for all that content. By marrying its famously slick software and slender designs with the iTunes payment system, Apple could help create a way for media companies to alter the economics and consumer attitudes of the digital era.