Il giorno più lungo delle borse europee

Via NYTimes European nations scrambled on Sunday night to prevent a growing credit crisis from bringing down major banks and alarming savers as troubles in financial markets spread around the world, accelerating economic downturns on three continents. The German government moved to guarantee all private savings accounts in the country on Sunday, hoping to reassure … Leggi tutto

Il Senato USA approva il salvataggio

Via Luca Debiase Una maggioranza schiacciante di democratici e repubblicani ha approvato il piano di salvataggio della finanza americana da 700 miliardi di dollari che aumenta il debito pubblico e nazionalizza le perdite delle banche e dei loro creditori, impedendo il temuto fallimento di molti istituti di credito e bloccandone le conseguenze possibili sui risparmiatori … Leggi tutto

Il Gfonino si chiama G1 UPDATE: I primi test drive di Gizmodo, Engadget, All things digital,Tech Beat, David Pogue I giudizi sono buoni, ma rispetto all’Iphone pare Google sia ancora un passo indietro. Ma la differenza importante come annota David Pogue potrebbe essere che G1 cioè Android è un progetto aperto, una caratteristica che potrebbe cambiare i valori in … Leggi tutto

Small Bets on Young Firms

Via NYT He met with several top firms, but they all wanted a 20 percent stake in his start-up company, and he was hesitant to give an investor that much. When one of his board members advised him to visit Fred Wilson at Union Square Ventures in 2006, he went grudgingly, certain the meeting would … Leggi tutto

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Un mondo senza Google

Via Technologizer Ten years ago today, Google’s filing for incorporation as a business was accepted. It’s far from the only date one might choose to mark the company’s tenth birthday–and as I write this, I don’t see any celebrating going on at Google’s home page or corporate blog–but many Googlewatchers are doing their ruminating on … Leggi tutto

Internet non è più USA centrica e …

John Markoff via NYT

And now, the balance of power is shifting. Data is increasingly flowing around the United States, which may have intelligence — and conceivably military — consequences.

American intelligence officials have warned about this shift. “Because of the nature of global telecommunications, we are playing with a tremendous home-field advantage, and we need to exploit that edge,” Michael V. Hayden, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2006. “We also need to protect that edge, and we need to protect those who provide it to us.”

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Guardare il guardabile dei Giochi in rete

Via Silicon Alley Insider Easiest steps first: Figure out when the event you want to watch is on (the NY Times has an excellent event tracker for this) and then try to figure out if it’s on (NBC’s broadcast schedule here). You’ll also need to download Microsoft Silverlight, which requires to watch the … Leggi tutto

Voglia di Mashup

Google acquista Omnisio che permette di “lavorare” i video. As you probably guessed, we’re big fans of anything that lets people interact with online video and gives the YouTube community the chance to express themselves in creative ways. New features such as Video Annotations, which allow you to insert comments and information into the video … Leggi tutto

In Provenza si paga in franchi

Via «In questo negozio si accettano franchi». Non è lo slogan bizzarro di qualche esercente nostalgico della vecchia moneta transalpina, ma la scritta che campeggia su quasi tutti i locali di Collobrières, piccola cittadina di 1600 persone, in Provenza. In questo idilliaco paesino nel cuore della Francia è possibile fare la spesa o pagare … Leggi tutto

Tracking the trackers

Via NYT A new study from the University of Washington suggests that media industry trade groups are using flawed tactics in their investigations of users who violate copyrights on peer-to-peer file sharing networks. Those trade groups, including the Motion Picture Association of America (M.P.A.A.) Entertainment Software Association (E.S.A.) and Recording Industry Association of America (R.I.A.A.), … Leggi tutto