Kindle for PC not for Mac

Via Amazon, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced the availability of “Kindle for PC,” the free application that lets readers around the world enjoy Kindle books on their personal computers (PC). The U.S. Kindle Store ( currently offers more than 360,000 books, including New Releases and 101 of 112 New York Times Bestsellers, which are typically … Leggi tutto

Nook il Kindle di Barnes & Noble con Android

Via Ars Technica ; da leggere Nook vs Kindel dal blog si Simplicissimus book store

Barnes & Noble puts Android on an e-reader with the Nook

Like the Kindle, the software will synchronize content among a variety of devices, including PCs and Macs, as well as Blackberries, iPhones, and iPod touches. But it also allows users to lend their purchased items to friends with linked accounts. So, for example, you can choose a book and send it to a friend via the touchscreen interface. Once sent, your friend has 14 days to read it (presumably, the work is inaccessible to you during that period).

Back in July, Barnes & Noble made it clear that it, too, had designs on the developing e-book market, as it launched an e-book store and released reading software for a variety of platforms, from traditional PCs to the iPhone. Today, the company is releasing its dedicated e-book reader, called the Nook, at an event in New York City. The device has many features that distinguish it from its competitors, including a small color touchscreen for control, the use of the Android operating system, all at a $259 price.

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Apple tablet: l’anti Kindle a colori

Via Techcrunch

While there’s a lot of talk about Apple’s rumored tablet device as it relates to new initiatives from the music industry, the device is undoubtedly a lot larger in scope. The music-angle talk is mostly thanks to the Financial Times all-over-the-place first report yesterday. But a second story also released yesterday with much of the same information, clears things up a bit, and adds a few interesting new nuggets of information.

Here’s the best excerpt: “It would be a colour, flat-panel TV to the old-fashioned, black and white TV of the Kindle,” one publishing executive said. Uh oh, Amazon.

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Ironia della sorte: la strage digitale dei libri di Orwell su Kindle

Via David Pogue

1984This morning, hundreds of Amazon Kindle owners awoke to discover that books by a certain famous author had mysteriously disappeared from their e-book readers. These were books that they had bought and paid for—thought they owned.

A screen shot from The MobileReference edition of the novel, “Nineteen Eighty-four,” by George Orwell that was deleted from Kindle e-book readers by

But no, apparently the publisher changed its mind about offering an electronic edition, and apparently Amazon, whose business lives and dies by publisher happiness, caved. It electronically deleted all books by this author from people’s Kindles and credited their accounts for the price.

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Senza farsi mancare nulla: il blog su Kindle

Incuriositi della iniziativa di Amazon di portare a pagamento la lettura dei blog su Kindle e del grande progetto di self-publishing della Digital Text Platform di Amazon, il bloggante ha smanettato per un po’ per riuscire a portare questo blog , attraverso la piattaforma Kindlepubblishing , direttamente in vendita sul lettore di ebook di Jeff … Leggi tutto

L’era dei lettori di ebook extralarge e il futuro dei giornali tradizionali

Maggio parte con notizie relative al lancio di nuovi lettori di ebook extralarge.
Amazon presenterà il suo mercoledì 6 a New York

The last time Amazon held a press conference in New York City was in February, when it introduced the Kindle 2.0. Now the company has scheduled another one for Wednesday morning at Pace University in lower Manhattan.

Expect a new large-format device that’s optimized for reading newspapers and magazines.

Here’s the full text of the invitation that just showed up in my inbox: “We’d like to invite you to an press conference scheduled for Wednesday, May 6 at 10:30 am ET. The press conference is scheduled to take place at the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts at Pace University, located at 3 Spruce Street, New York City. Doors will open for registration at 9:30 am ET.”

Engadget al solito ha già informazioni e immagini fresche

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Amazon lancia il Kindle per Iphone

Amazon ha lanciato l’applicazione per Iphone per trasformarlo in lettore di e-book in grado di dialogare con il suo Kindle-store. La si trova nell’Apple store, ma non in quello italiano. today introduced “Kindle for iPhone and iPod touch,” a new application available for free from Apple’s App Store that lets customers enjoy over 240,000 … Leggi tutto