Fiat is playing games with the workers. First, it moves production to Poland and tells its employees that they must work hard, be flexible and exceed all production norms to keep their jobs. All is done very well in Tychy – there can be no complaint of the management (… except when unions ask for raises or bonuses for their very productive workers or question work on the weekend.) Tychy plant is Fiat’s biggest and most efficient in Europe.
At the end of last year, we began to hear rumors that now Fiat wants to move jobs to Italy again and since that time there is some fear in Tychy plant. Fiat Polska thinks now it can do as it likes with us. They gave bonuses only 40% of last year, despite the fact that we broke all records in production.
They think people won’t fight because they are afraid they will be the ones to lose jobs. But we are angry. Third “Day of Protest’ of workers in Tychy scheduled for June 17 will not be as polite as the last. What do we have to lose now?
L’economia delle telecomunicazioni italiane for dummies
Via Vittorio Bertola Stefano Quintarelli ha preparato un bellissimo video che, in poco più di un quarto d’ora, spiega chiaramente e in modo comprensibile a tutti l’attuale situazione di stallo nelle telecomunicazioni italiane, quella per cui, in assenza di scelte politiche forti, siamo destinati a rimanere indietro nell’infrastruttura più cruciale per il nostro sviluppo.