This week, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal and TechCrunch all published rumors that Apple plans to launch a smaller, more affordable iPhone, to be sold alongside the iPhone 4. (We predicted as much six weeks ago.)
The WSJ also reported that MobileMe is getting a major revamp in June, allowing users to store most of their data and media in the cloud. We’ve heard the same thing from several sources.
Firstly, according to our source (who asked to remain anonymous), Apple has been working on a smaller, mass-market iPhone for a long time. But to do that, Apple had to figure out a way to strip away some of the components to reduce both its size and cost.
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Via All Things Digital Another volley in the app wars: A new study that says Google’s Android App Market is stuffed full of free apps, but has very few people will pay for. There are 72,000 paid apps in Google’s store, compared to Apple’s 211,000. But more important is the number of apps the stores … Leggi tutto