In serata Servizio Pubblico ha messo in onda degli sprazzi di un docufilm realizzato dalla filmaker brasiliana Melissa Monteiro dal titolo Life Below Deck (in francese: La face cachée des croisières de luxe. In tedesco: Kreuzfahrt Undercover)
Il docufilm racconta l’altra faccia della rutilante vita nelle crociere: quella degli sfruttati dell’equipaggio fatto da lavoratori che arrivano dai paesi poveri del mondo. Dalla scheda del documentario giornalistico
You might imagine that life aboard a luxury liner is paradise. While this may be the case for paying guests, the reality for the workers below deck is far less idyllic. Filmmaker Melissa Monteiro worked undercover as a cruise ship waitress and experienced first-hand the hellish conditions endured by the onboard team – including cell-like shared rooms, exploitative pay and punishing shifts. After five months of sailing all over the world, she was forced to terminate her contract in Rio de Janiero due to health reasons. Treated like second-class citizens, constantly monitored for misbehaviour and generally maltreated, the journalist and her hidden camera expose not only the strictly regimented lives of cruise workers but also the tricks and techniques they use to stay sane while stranded at sea.
“Casualmente” nessuna catena televisiva italiana ha trasmesso il documentario ad oggi. Canal+ lo aveva trasmesso in Francia il recente 31 gennaio