For the past year or so, News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch has been a consistent voice of pessimism, and he forecast an ugly economy before his big-media peers did. And now he’s more upbeat than his fellow media CEOs. Here’s his opening salvo:
“I am not an economist…but it is increasingly clear that the worst is over….As you know, I have been uncharacteristically pessimistic in recent calls, though I would argue that it was a well-founded concern. But there are emerging signs in some of our businesses that the days of precipitous decline are done and that revenues are beginning to look healthier.”
Not only is this a turnaround, it’s a turnaround from just a month ago, when Murdoch professed to be full of bearish sentiment at the cable industry’s annual show.
Come distorcere le notizie: la versione del processo Mills
Che sia di destra o di sinistra la disinformazione e’ veramente una tragedia civile> eccone un esempio. Nel Tg di ieri Studio Aperto distorce la notizia delle motivazioni del processo Mills in questa maniera sconcertante.