Il nuovo anti Kindle si chiama Skiff reader

Via Engadget

Skiff Reader is largest, thinnest reader yet, hitting a Sprint Store near you

Amazon’s Kindle DX may be big, but it’s not the biggest any more. The Skiff Reader is here to take that crown — despite being a mere quarter inch thick. It packs a 1600 x 1200 11.5-inch touchscreen (finger and stylus) that, as you can see from the above screenshot, should do much better justice to magazine and newspaper layouts than we’ve yet seen from an e-ink-based reader. That’s exactly the sort of advance Hearst was promising when it first mentioned the device last month. Skiff includes 4GB of on-board storage (just over 3GB is available for content) with SD card expansion, and there’s a 3.5mm headphone jack for tunes and, hopefully, text-to-speech. Content can be side-loaded over a mini USB jack or delivered via WiFi but, more importantly, 3G is also on offer thanks to Sprint, who will also dedicate some space in its retail stores to sell the thing when it launches sometime this year. Price? That we don’t know.

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