Verso la Apple televisione nel 2012

Via Venturebeat Apple is almost certainly working on a digital television based on its iOS operating system, according to multiple sources in Silicon Valley. An Apple-based television makes sense in light of Apple’s continued expansion out of the computer industry into the larger consumer electronics market. But is it real? Multiple reports, as well as … Leggi tutto

Steve Jobs si è dimesso da CEO di Apple

Auguri per la salute Steve… ma la vedo non facile … per la salute

To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

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Icloud c’è

Via CDeN Uno smagrito ma non per questo meno in forma del solito Steve Jobs ha aperto e chiuso il keynote del WWDC 2011. Fra la presentazione di Ios5 e della nuova release (Lion) di Macos, Jobs ha presentato l’attesissima Iclou, i servizi di storage remoto e intelligente cbe Apple sta lanciando. Il problema di … Leggi tutto

In arrivo la nuvola della Mela

Via CDeN Domani lunedì 6 giugno 2011 Apple al WWDC  presenterà con la partecipazione nientepocodimenoche di Steve Jobs i suoi servizi di cloud computing, quello che si chiamerà Icloud. A contorno arriveranno la versione 5 di Ios e il nuovo Macos Lion. In contemporanea a Los Angeles il meglio mondiale del vidoegioco con succose novità … Leggi tutto

Come difendersi da Mac Defender malware

dal sito Apple A recent phishing scam has targeted Mac users by redirecting them from legitimate websites to fake websites which tell them that their computer is infected with a virus. The user is then offered Mac Defender “anti-virus” software to solve the issue. This “anti-virus” software is malware (i.e. malicious software). Its ultimate goal … Leggi tutto

La nuvola musicale di Apple si chiamerà Icloud ?

Via Gigaom What will be the name of Apple’s cloud-based music service? No one knows. However, a tipster of mine says that it might be iCloud. Why? Because the Cupertino-based computing giant is rumored to be a likely buyer of the domain Until recently, was a domain name and a storage-as-a-cloud service owned by Linkoping, Sweden-based … Leggi tutto

La causa fra Apple e Samsung

Via This is my next phone Apple sued Samsung yesterday, the latest in a long line of IP lawsuits against Android device manufacturers. (See: Apple v. HTC, Apple v. Motorola, Microsoft v. Motorola, Microsoft v. Barnes & Noble.) The case is remarkable for several reasons, not least because Samsung is one of Apple’s critical component … Leggi tutto

AllAboutApple si trasferisce a Savona

Ricordate il museo AllAboutApple: bene oramai è diventato un fenomeno e si trasferisce a Savona …. Il museo Apple più fornito del mondo è a Savona, in Liguria e nei prossimi mesi sarà protagonista di una nuova importante sfida: la ricollocazione in una nuova sede, più grande, raggiungibile e prestigiosa dell’attuale. L’impresa che attende tutti … Leggi tutto

Opera: un browser da maggiorenni secondo Apple

Via Techspot This week, the Opera web browser became the first non-native browser made available in Apple’s Mac App Store. While Apple approved the browser, it still managed to hurt its competitor by putting this ridiculous label on it: “You must be at least 17 years old to download this app.” Opera has reacted in … Leggi tutto