Se non è wargames poco ci manca

Ricercatori univerrsitari di Toronto hanno scoperto una operazione di spionaggio internazionale su vasta scala finalizzata a infiltrare 1295 computer per derubarli di importanti documenti. Molti di questi appartenevano ad aziende e ad enti governativi localizzati in Asia Il fatto che il sistema di controllo dell’operazione fosse per la maggior parte in Cina e che la … Leggi tutto

L’era del Leopardo delle Nevi

Via TUAW We’re just a few months away from WWDC (I guess, Apple hasn’t announced dates yet, and the delay might stem from pinning down a release date for iPhone OS 3.0) but the speculation on Snow Leopard is in full swing. Developers have had builds of Snow Leopard for a while now, but according … Leggi tutto

Perchè il Sole può diventare Blu (Big)

IBM pare arrivata a pochi passi dall’acquisizione di Sun (via Cnet)

The time is now. IBM is a software and services company, but it needs hardware, which would be roughly a third of revenue with Sun, to sell its other offerings. Hardware is often the entry point for IBM’s software and services. With a stronger hardware business it can fend off HP in the marketplace.

Sun is a powerhouse in Unix, which is still a key platform, but isn’t exactly gaining in the market these days. IBM could acquire Sun and establish two key beachheads: Linux and Unix. The former will ultimately take over for the latter in the data center. IBM can play both and sell you the services to migrate while it’s at it. Bonus for Big Blue: Sun would enable it to pressure HP’s Unix-based businesses too. One problem: IBM sells AIX Unix servers. Sun sells Solaris (hat tip to a reader pointing that out).

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Finalmente l’Iphone copia (e incolla)

Via Melablog Apple confessa di aver lavorato duramente sulla UI di questa feature, e sembra con eccellenti risultati. Con un semplice doppio tap su una parola, viene presentato un pop-up su sfondo nero con le funzioni di taglia, copia incolla, e due piccoli cursori mobili per selezionare quanta porzione di testo copiare. Il nuovo copia/incolla … Leggi tutto

L’Adamo di Dell

Via CrunchGear Brian Solis, the “next-gen” PR dude, just got some hot shots of the Dell Adamo. Color us impressed. His photos show a laptop with the sex of a MacBook Air with a little more of the hard edged aesthetic familiar to those who enjoy cheese graters and shipping containers.

Gendamerie Ubuntu

A quando le nostre forze dell’ordine passeranno a Linux ?
Sarebbe una ottima sccelta considerato che spesso il parco macchine è vecchio e in male arnese.

VIa ArsTechnica

France’s Gendarmerie Nationale, the country’s national police force, says it has saved millions of dollars by migrating its desktop software infrastructure away from Microsoft Windows and replacing it with the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

The Gendarmerie began its transition to open source software in 2005 when it replaced Microsoft Office with across the entire organization. It gradually adopted other open source software applications, including Firefox and Thunderbird. After the launch of Windows Vista in 2006, it decided to phase out Windows and incrementally migrate to Ubuntu.

At the current stage of the migration, it has adopted Ubuntu on 5,000 workstations. Based on the success of this pilot migration, it plans to move forward and switch a total of 15,000 workstations to Ubuntu by the end of the year. It aims to have the entire organization, and all 90,000 of its workstations, running the Linux distribution by 2015.

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