Crunchpad: il tablet di Techcrunch in pratica

Via StraitsTimes

A Singapore company is racing to be the first in the world to bring an almost mythical creature – the touchscreen tablet computer – to the market. The start-up, Fusion Garage, has teamed up with famed American technology blog Techcrunch and aims to get its machine out by November, in time for the Christmas buying rush.

The company gave The Straits Times a sneak preview last week. The fully working model, called a Crunchpad, has a 12-inch screen and weighs 1.2kg. It allows users to watch YouTube videos, listen to music and edit documents, among other things. Its operating system, or OS, was also developed in-house. The device will not have storage space – which some analysts have pegged as a big drawback – and will instead run programs hosted on servers: so-called cloud computing.

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Windows 7 test drive

Via Sole 24 Ore Ha il duro compito di fare dimenticare l’esperienza di Vista e le sue sviste. Carico di grandi aspettative, Windows 7 ha subito una lunga fase di sviluppo che culminerà il 22 ottobre con il rilascio urbis et orbis. In attesa della fatidica data ci siamo «procurati» una versione Rtm (build 7.600), … Leggi tutto

Steve Jobs paparazzato da un Iphone

Paparazzato, ma pare in buone condizioni Via Maccity Veste l’inconfondibile tenuta jeans, dolcevita nero e scarpe da ginnastica attraversa il passaggio pedonale proprio di fronte al campus di Apple in Cupertino. La barba ne camuffa un pocola magrezza, se possibile ancora più accentuata rispetto alle ultime immagini pubbliche che risalgono alla presentazione dei MacBook unibody … Leggi tutto

Filtrini antigaffe

Massimo Esposti Via Il Sole 24 Ore E’ notte fonda, siete stanchi: l’ultima mail che avete letto pochi istanti prima proprio non vi è andata giù . Ecco allora che le dita scivolano veloci spinte dall’ira, una manciata di frasi di risposta alla “ti faccio vedere io” e poi il tasto INVIO schiacciato con rabbia. … Leggi tutto


Via Repubblica Per i più vecchi, che hanno cominciato a usare internet negli anni ’90, cercando i siti su Yahoo!, sarà un trauma. Perché la ricerca di Yahoo! scompare, o meglio si trasforma in Bing. Il motore di Microsoft. Dopo tre anni di tentativi, accordi quasi fatti, acquisizioni ipotizzate, scambi di montagne di denaro che … Leggi tutto

Quando Bill Gates ha ragione

Per gestire un Social  Network importante ci vuole un sacco di tempo. Tanto che neanche l’uomo più ricco del mondo riesce a farcela Diecimila richieste di amici­zia. Troppe, anche per uno che ha trascorso gran parte della sua vita davanti allo schermo di un computer. E che grazie alle nuove tecnolo­gie ha accumulato una enor­me … Leggi tutto

Apple tablet: l’anti Kindle a colori

Via Techcrunch

While there’s a lot of talk about Apple’s rumored tablet device as it relates to new initiatives from the music industry, the device is undoubtedly a lot larger in scope. The music-angle talk is mostly thanks to the Financial Times all-over-the-place first report yesterday. But a second story also released yesterday with much of the same information, clears things up a bit, and adds a few interesting new nuggets of information.

Here’s the best excerpt: “It would be a colour, flat-panel TV to the old-fashioned, black and white TV of the Kindle,” one publishing executive said. Uh oh, Amazon.

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Settembre, tempo di I-tablet

Via Gizmodo

(Edit, to draft, un-top, Slurp)

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sending request

According to the Financial Times, Apple is racing to launch the fabled Apple tablet in September, along with new iPods. They claim Apple is working with record labels and book publishers on new iTunes features created for the new device:

The talks come as Apple is separately racing to offer a portable, full-featured, tablet-sized computer in time for the Christmas shopping season, in what the entertainment industry hopes will be a new revolution. The device could be launched alongside the new content deals, including those aimed at stimulating sales of CD-length music, according to people briefed on the project.

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Apple domina di mercato dei laptop da più di 1000 dollari

Via Betanews

Move over Microsoft. Apple can claim big, big market share numbers, too. According to NPD, in June, nine out of 10 dollars spent on computers costing $1,000 or more went to Apple. Mac revenue market share in the “premium” price segment was 91 percent, up from 88 percent in May.

By the way, Apple’s command of the premium market is way up from first quarter 2008, when, according to NPD, Mac revenue share was 66 percent. Gee, and it seemed so high when I broke that story.

Microsoft executives had better study Apple’s success — and well — as they prepare to bring Windows 7 to market. The new operating system released to manufacturing today and launches on Oct. 22. But some people will get Windows 7 sooner. Microsoft might want to reconsider its marketing, too. Apple’s premium sales success means that from one perspective, Microsoft’s “Laptop Hunters” commercials are a failure.

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L’anatomia del buco di Twittter

Techcrunch riassume e integra la storia della violazione di sicurezza a Twitter

The Twitter document leak fiasco started with a simple story that personal accounts of Twitter employees were hacked. Twitter CEO Evan Williams commented on that story, saying that Twitter itself was mostly unaffected. No personal accounts were compromised, and “most of the sensitive information was personal rather than company-related,” he said. The individual behind the attacks, known as Hacker Croll, wasn’t happy with that response. Lots of Twitter corporate information was compromised, and he wanted the world to know about it. So he sent us all of the documents that he obtained, some 310 of them, and the story developed from there.

It’s clear that Twitter was completely unaware of how deeply they were affected as a company – when Williams said that most of the information wasn’t company related he believed it. It wasn’t until later that he realized just how much and what kind of information was taken. It included things like financial projections and executive meeting notes that contained highly confidential information.

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Ironia della sorte: la strage digitale dei libri di Orwell su Kindle

Via David Pogue

1984This morning, hundreds of Amazon Kindle owners awoke to discover that books by a certain famous author had mysteriously disappeared from their e-book readers. These were books that they had bought and paid for—thought they owned.

A screen shot from The MobileReference edition of the novel, “Nineteen Eighty-four,” by George Orwell that was deleted from Kindle e-book readers by

But no, apparently the publisher changed its mind about offering an electronic edition, and apparently Amazon, whose business lives and dies by publisher happiness, caved. It electronically deleted all books by this author from people’s Kindles and credited their accounts for the price.

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