BBC News, Flipboard, the Los Angeles Times, Zeit Online and the Washington Post were among the news and technology organizations that took top honors tonight at the 2011 Online Journalism Awards Banquet.
The Los Angeles Times (“Breach of Faith”) and Pro Publica (“Dialysis: High Costs and Hidden Perils of Treatment Guaranteed for All”) each won $2,500 and the Gannett Foundation Award for Innovative Investigative Journalism at the 12th annual awards ceremony.
BBC News, The Globe and Mail, Voice of San Diego, NJ Spotlight, OWNI and LA NACION each won General Excellence Awards in their respective categories. Each award includes a $3,000 prize, courtesy of the Gannett Foundation. The Asbury Park Press took home the Knight Award for Public Service for “Barnegat Bay Under Stress,” which comes with a $5,000 prize from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
Se le vede Berlusconi le invita alle serate eleganti di Arcore
Data la passione per i balli sexy intorno a tubi di Silvio B. sottoponiamo queste due vere fuoriclasse alla sua attenzione, anche se ci rendiamo conto che paiono a prima vista troppo brave, troppo vestite e probabilmente poco disponibili al “post danza”