Italiani a 4 quattro zampe, meglio proni che supini

Dopo l’imperdibile nuovo, l’immarcescibile e multicinetica Vittorio Brambilla propone un altrettanto imperdibile Turisti a 4 zampe, sui cui ha indagato LorenzoC che ha scoperto cosine utili tipo Un’altra cosa che so è che il contatto amministrativo del dominio è Giorgio Medail scopritore televisivo della Michela Brambilla nei lontani anni 90, quando imperversava nelle … Leggi tutto

Creative Commons: Italiani secondi al mondo

Via Punto Informatico Per effettuare un’analisi statistica sull’adozione di CC nel mondo ha riferito dei risultati ottenuti dal progetto CC-Monitor, una piattaforma wiki, ancora nella versione beta, che raccoglie i dati di sviluppo delle licenze open (per il momento solo CC). Il progetto, che si basa su dati estrapolati da un gran numero di ricerche … Leggi tutto

L’anatomia del buco di Twittter

Techcrunch riassume e integra la storia della violazione di sicurezza a Twitter

The Twitter document leak fiasco started with a simple story that personal accounts of Twitter employees were hacked. Twitter CEO Evan Williams commented on that story, saying that Twitter itself was mostly unaffected. No personal accounts were compromised, and “most of the sensitive information was personal rather than company-related,” he said. The individual behind the attacks, known as Hacker Croll, wasn’t happy with that response. Lots of Twitter corporate information was compromised, and he wanted the world to know about it. So he sent us all of the documents that he obtained, some 310 of them, and the story developed from there.

It’s clear that Twitter was completely unaware of how deeply they were affected as a company – when Williams said that most of the information wasn’t company related he believed it. It wasn’t until later that he realized just how much and what kind of information was taken. It included things like financial projections and executive meeting notes that contained highly confidential information.

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Ironia della sorte: la strage digitale dei libri di Orwell su Kindle

Via David Pogue

1984This morning, hundreds of Amazon Kindle owners awoke to discover that books by a certain famous author had mysteriously disappeared from their e-book readers. These were books that they had bought and paid for—thought they owned.

A screen shot from The MobileReference edition of the novel, “Nineteen Eighty-four,” by George Orwell that was deleted from Kindle e-book readers by

But no, apparently the publisher changed its mind about offering an electronic edition, and apparently Amazon, whose business lives and dies by publisher happiness, caved. It electronically deleted all books by this author from people’s Kindles and credited their accounts for the price.

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Iscriversi al PD

Ci siamo iscritti online al PD e abbiamo ricevuto la mail di ricevuta richiesta Grazie Vittorio per aver aderito al Partito Democratico. Il modulo compilato è stato inviato al tuo circolo territoriale di appartenenza che, nelle prossime settimane, ti contatterà per ufficializzare la tua iscrizione. I vertici del partito possono rimanere tranquilli: non ci interessa … Leggi tutto

Your Own Economy

Via Fastcompany More and more, “production” — that word my fellow economists have worked over for generations — has become interior to the human mind rather than set on a factory floor. A tweet may not look like much, but its value lies in the mental dimension. You use Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and other Web … Leggi tutto