Sta per arrivare il momento della presentazione di Wolfram Alfa
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We are very busy preparing for the upcoming launch of Wolfram|Alpha. Plans were announced this week for Stephen Wolfram’s first public presentation of Wolfram|Alpha. He’ll be giving a sneak preview of his computational knowledge engine at Harvard Law School on Tuesday, April 28 at 3.00 pm. If you cannot attend the presentation in person, we invite you to participate in the live webcast. For more details, please visit: un primo test di Readwriteweb
Per approfondimenti
- Wolfram Alpha
- Stephen Wolfram
- Jonathan Zittrain
- Wolfram Alpha coverage on BoingBoing / Interview with H+ Magazine
- Stephen’s Wolfram Alpha: snake oil or Skynet?
UPDATE: Il video della presentazione
Wolfram Alpha is a good news in the area of search engines. It has some advantages compared to the other search engines. Still, it is not the competition to Google or other search engines, since it uses totally different approach. It is more like dictionary or encyclopedia than search engine.
I like Wolfram Alpha. It offers a completely new way of searching for information.